Peter Eustace

Peter Eustace is renaissance man; talented photographer, brilliantly original writer, translator and highly original thinker; if you happen to be in Verona Italy you may well bump into him wandering around clutching his camera and chatting with anyone who interests him. Do feel free to introduce yourself, he's a very affable guy... You can contact him via email by clicking on the cover of either book below or if you wish to buy his book Humanics (96pp perfect-bound) click on the 'Buy Now' button for a PayPal connection ...and, being the generous guy he is, p/p is free anywhere in the world hence this superb collection is a BARGAIN. Pop his name into a search engine and you'll find his poems scattered hither and thither, HERE  for example at Ink, Sweat & Tears but literally; all over the place. A one-off genuine,  unpretentious man of many talents...

AND...there is more... early 2025 Peter produced yet another collection here with us at erbacce-press; Quandaries. It is available currently for pre-order-only by hitting the 'Buy Now' button just above the cover but the book is currently in a print queue and should be with you VERY soon... and yet again he is happy to send you the book p/p free.

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